Wednesday 4 November 2009

My Profile:

The Poe Society, originally uploaded by SkeletalMess.
Welcome to ShadowHouse Creations

I'm your host Jerry Jones, some of you may know me by my current Flickr name "skeletalmess" or my previous alias as "ghostbones."

I'm what you would call an avid self taught Photoshop digital artist, who has no professional training what so ever, all that I've learned has come from tutorials posted online all across the web and self determination.

I'm also an amateur photographer, and I feel I'm being kind in my wording amateur. I feel more comfortable with Photoshop than a camera in my hand, but I feel I'm slowly learning more about photography as time goes by, and hope someday I'll feel as comfortable with my camera as I do with Photoshop,time will tell.

To those of you who know me, probably know me from my Flickr site, and the work I do with textures, which I post for anyone to use, both for personal use and professionally. I've been creating my own textures for some years now, and love incorporating them into my artwork and photos, if used properly,they really can add incredible possibilities and atmosphere to your images.

Being a member of the Flickr community and several texture groups, I decided like so many others to offer them freely for others to use, after all, why should they just set around on an external hard drive collecting dust.

Some of you may remember me for my dark artworks, something that was such a big part of me for quite some time under the name ghostbones, but the genre grew tiresome and I felt I was feeling pigeon holed to one creative output, so in late 2008 I decided to put an end to ghostbones and start a new life as skeletalmess, which I
tried to hide at first, but it was evident to others who new my work who I was, so much for anonymity.

I'm loving the new me, and I'm having fun again, trying my hands at different things and all the while, keeping some wonderful friends along the way.


Tools I use and couldn't live without are:

Photoshop CS3 ~ CS6 : for most artwork.
Photoshop 7 : for creating brushes.
Photoshop Elements 9 : for creating slideshows, cards and other things.
Adobe Lightroom 2.7 : for most photography.
Adobe Illustrator CS5 for vector work.
Photomatix Pro 3 : HDR which I haven't seriously gotten in to,yet.
Nik Software Color Efex Pro 4 : for all the possibilities.
onOne Perfect Effects 3 for more possibilities.
onOne Mask Pro 4 for masking.
FujiFilm FinePix S5200 Digitall Camera : my main camera.
HP Photosmart R707 Digital Camera : it may be old,but it's sentimental and trusty.
PixelRuler 3 : pixel ruler for web work.
Snap 5 for screen captures.
Nexus Font for managing my numerous font stock.
PicPick : for the little things.
Notepad ++ : for everyday use.
Assorted Plug-ins, to many to name.

My Creativity : my main tool.

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